
This tool allows the user to identify the programs that use a particular field name, what the usage type is and exactly where in the program it is used. Note that a modification or test of a child field will also register as a modification or test of its parent group field in the dictionary. COBOL 88 levels entries will also have their parent field stored with appropriate activity in the dictionary. The user has the option of printing a report on that usage.

User interface

Query Field Usage

Field Name

Enter a mask for the field names to be queried. The character * represents one or more of any character. Click the tick Tick button to update the list of fields below.

Hide usage for check boxes

It's possible, indeed probable, if your system uses COBOL copybooks extensively that the field tree control can become over-populated with fields that are merely present in programs because the field is copied in. You can hide fileds that are just "defined" (i.e. never referenced in the procedure division), "referenced" (i.e. just passed to another program in a call or invokation as part of a group level field) or "qualified".

Field Tree Control

The field tree control lists at it's top level the fields matching the Field Name mask specified above it. Clicking on the + beside any field expands the branch to show the programs that reference the field along with the line on which it is referenced and they type of reference. If you select any item in the tree, the item is displayed in the browse window to the right with the place where the field is referenced higlighted in purple.

The Browse Control

The browse control shows the COBOL code within a structured, syntax hilighted text box, from which you may scroll, Print print or Search search to further your analysis. Additionally you may Open new window open a new window open a new browse window with the current source displayed, at the current position of the code.

Report button

The Report button produces an XML file describing the current field query. That file is opened with the default program defined on your system for XML files and will look something like:

Field XML